Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Bella-Part One

Writing was the only thing she could admit her talent for. She couldn't fill out a C cup and couldn't run an eight-minute mile but she could write. All her life, Isabella's teachers had commended her writing skills. From short stories and essays to plays and mock-television scripts for her favorite television shows, Isabella loved to write and did so at every opprotunity. At the age of fifteen, Bella, as her friends called her, began an open journal online. Pouring her heart and soul out through her fingertips, she bared her soul for complete strangers. Neither of her parents quite understood her and nor did her friends. They meant well but all attempts to cheer her up ended with a fake smile and artifical laughter on her part. Yet, most friends were fooled with the illegitimacy of her act.

Bella's life wasn't the greatest but it wasn't the worst. She had two parents who loved her, even if they didn't always seem like they did, a few very close friends, an emmense talent for writing, and all those little luxuries most Americans take for granted. Yet, she couldn't shake the feelings of worthlessness, depression, and aggravation that snuck up on her like a thief in the night. The littlest things could set her off: from a wrong look to a day of grounding, even if she deserved far more than that. Subsequently, her day of punishment would be lengthened to a week or more.


Congratulations on stumbling across my journal. I'll be writing bits and pieces of stories, poems, and other such notions that amuse me and were, unless otherwise noted, written by me. I'll also post some pictures that serve no purpose other than to capture natural beauty or to fulfill a creative urge. I recommend you not start in the middle of any stories. Follow the links in the "Other Journals" section to the beginning of the stories and to browse poems and pictures through the links I've provided.
