Friday, February 17, 2006


Was going through my bedroom and found some poems. Thought I'd share....

Pounding on the ceiling
Pounding on the sides
Encased in a glass box
Can't get out though she tries
Desperation creeps in
Why won't the glass shatter
The world doesn't seem to care
Nothing seems to matter
She thought of life with
Depression as her fate
And wearily she climbed in bed
Realizing the hour was quite late
She hoped this horrid fate would cease
Life without this curse filled her with peace

In it creeps
Like a thief
Waiting for the moment
That I am alone
It takes over
Surrounds my heart
Clasping around it
Sadness yet hope
Inadequate yet wonderful
It takes over
And leave me feeling
sad, alone, and depressed
I sleep to banish it
I wake and it's gone
Together with friends
it has vanished
But when I'm alone
it surrounds me.

Hours of conversation

Afraid for you
You're in pain
And lying about it.
How can I help?
I can't, can I?
But I'll pray for you.
Pray for relief of pain.
Pray for God's will to be done.
Pray for the best.
Pray for His Hand upon you.
(inspired by Ali)

That's it. Time to go pack now. G'night.