Monday, October 3, 2005

In memory of Charlie

Out they looked
Through the glass
At the day
Now in their past
Remembering the joys
And sorrows
Of all the time
Against which he borrows

Time is fleeting
Running past
Never guaranteed
To ever last
We may have an hour
Or we may have a year
When our time is over,
who will shed a tear?

Each day we must
Live to the fullest
We must enjoy each day
As if it were the greatest
We must live for those
Who came before us
Don't waste time
And please don't fuss

Live for Charlie.
Live for those he left behind.
Live the way he'd want you to.
Don't leave the world maligned.
Smile each day.
Don't ever forget.
Each day remember with a smile
He's not gone, not yet.

Charlie Cote-Gone but never forgotten

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

simply beautiful :)
